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Domestic Violence

Domestic violence describes relationships between partners which involve physical, sexual, financial, and emotional abuse by one partner against the other to control the abused partner.  It can be very difficult and dangerous for people in a domestic violence relationship to leave their abuser.  People in a domestic violence relationship worry that children, pets, and other loved ones may also be the target of abuse; still others do not have the money and resources to safely leave.  Under the Domestic Abuse Law, people in abusive relationships can go to court and get restraining orders against their abuser which can order the abuser to stay away from, have no contact with, refrain from abuse, and leave the home of the person who is being abused.  There are resources available to people suffering from domestic abuse which victim advocates assigned to court can help access.  Prosecutors and advocates are specially trained in handling cases involving domestic violence and the office maintains a High-Risk Offender List to target those offenders who pose the greatest risk of re-offense to support victim and public safety.

Helpful Resources