Drug Forfeiture Community Reinvestment Grants
The Berkshire District Attorney’s Office reinvests funds sized from drug-related crimes to better Berkshire-based community programs. The drug forfeiture and sized fund processes are governed by G.L. c. 94C § 47.
District Attorney Timothy J. Shugrue encourages non-profits and community groups to apply for the Drug Forfeiture Community Reinvestment Grants. District Attorney Shugrue believes that through strong community partnerships, we can collaboratively build a stronger, brighter Berkshire County.
The drug forfeiture funds can be used for programs that:
- Proactively prevent drug use through education and community programs
- Provide neighborhood programs that foster healthy communities
- Utilize innovate and engaging strategies to educate, rehabilitate, and/or prevent drug use
Grant Recipients Include

To apply for grant funding, complete this document by clicking on this link or the image below and return it by email to Contact.BerkshireDA@mass.gov OR mail to Berkshire District Attorney’s Office, 7 North Street, Pittsfield MA 01201. Please make a COPY of the form in order to edit it. For questions please contact Julia Sabourin, Director of Community Engagement, at julia.sabourin@mass.gov or 413-443-5951.