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Berkshire District Attorney’s Office
Timothy J. Shugrue

The District Attorney is the Chief Law Enforcement officer of the Berkshires in Massachusetts of  whose duty is to seek justice while representing the common good.

District Attorney Timothy J. Shugrue’s mission is to provide a safer community through proactive community involvement and education while also prosecuting habitual and violent criminal offenders.

DA Shugrue is passionate about investing in our community. Under his leadership, DA Shugrue is bringing back school-based education programs run by the DA’s Office. Additionally, he is devoted to providing education and services for veterans, senior citizens and populations in need of additional support.

DA Shugrue is a proponent of reducing the stigma around addiction. The Berkshire DA’s Office is invested in the thoughtful development of specialty courts and juvenile diversion programs.

Violence in Berkshire County has a detrimental effect on us all. DA Shugrue holds accountable those who bring illegal guns, large quantities of drugs and habitual violence into our community.



iBerkshires article on Lance Burke conviction

iBerkshires article regarding the murder conviction of Lance Burke

District Attorney and State Lawmakers Hold Press Conference on Closing Massachusetts' Loophole for Sexual Assault on Minors

On Monday, March 10th, Berkshire District Attorney Shugrue, Representative Davis of the 3rd Berkshire District, Essex District Attorney Tucker, State Senator Lovely of the 2nd Essex District, and ENOUGH ABUSE Executive Director Jetta Bernier spoke at a joint press conference on closing a legal loophole in Massachusetts. The legislative bills to close the loophole are SD.1367/HD.2209: An Act Relative to Sexual Assaults by Adults in Positions of Authority or Trust. This critical legislation aims to close a dangerous loophole in Massachusetts law by criminalizing sexual conduct between adults in positions of authority or trust in a public or private school setting and minors under their supervision. Under current law, adults in these roles cannot be prosecuted for this type of misconduct if the minor is 16 or older, the legal age of consent in Massachusetts. SD.1367/HD.2209 addresses this gap, recognizing the inherent power imbalance that enables coercion and exploitation. More information on the press conference can be found at

Large Scale Drug Operation distupted in Berkshire County

On Friday, February 7th, a joint law enforcement effort was executed to disrupt a drug trafficking organization attempting to entrench itself in Berkshire County. Friday’s operation was the result of a months-long investigation. The organization was bringing in large amounts of cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl pills to the Berkshires.

The investigation was led by the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office.

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Home Depot and BDAO partner to combat Organized Retail Crime

On January 24th, 2024, The Berkshire County District Attorney's Office and Home Depot met to discuss the ongoing challenge of Organized Retail Crime.

We are thrilled to have Home Depot on board with the office to help support our efforts

Boston Bruins Alumni vs. Berkshire County Law Enforcement hockey game in honor of Pittsfield Police officer Michael Silver

On January 11th, 2024, members of the Berkshire District Attorney Office attended the Boston Bruins Alumni vs Law Enforcement hockey game in Sheffield, MA.

The game was dedicated to Pittsfield Police Officer Michael Silver who passed away in October 2024

Proceeds from the event were used used to support Michael's family, support of mental illness in the Law Enforcement community, and the Warriors For Life fund which focuses on veterans returning to the community following deployment.

The Berkshire District Attorney's office continues to be dedicated to participating in events that support the community and especially our law enforcement partners.

The Berkshire District Attorney's Office Attends MLK Day of Service

The Berkshire District Attorney's Office attended the MLK Day of Service in honor of Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. Organized by the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, the Day of Service provides an opportunity for Berkshire County residents to serve the community in honor of Dr. King's lasting legacy.

Berkshire DA's Office Receives Over $200,000 in Grant Funding

The Berkshire District Attorney’s Office has been awarded $206,779.58 in grant funding to support community initiatives, training, and equipment. District Attorney Timothy J. Shugrue stated, “I am thrilled to receive this grant funding once again. This funding enhances community programs and strengthens law enforcement training and resources. These grants are essential in allowing my office to proactively support initiatives that build protective factors in youth and create safer communities for everyone in the Berkshires.”

Shugrue also thanked Representative Smitty Pignatelli, who served as a State Representative from 2003 to 2024. “Smitty’s dedicated advocacy for our office, and county as a whole, has played a vital role in securing grant funding for our community. These grants bring investments back to the Berkshires which at times can be overlooked.”

The grant funding will be primarily used to fund youth community programing; provide community training surrounding law enforcement topics; fund training for Berkshire District Attorney staff and the Berkshire State Police Detective Unit; and provide equipment for the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office.

Berkshire DA's office partners with Walmart for the 2024 Toys for Tots campaign

Toys for Tots success!!!!

With the help of Walmart in both Pittsfield and North Adams, The Berkshire District Attorney's office was able to donate 283 toys to kids in need this holiday season.

Special thanks to Walmart and the BDAO staff for ensuring that kids in need will receive gifts this year

Gun Safety Presentation, North Adams, November 12th

Come down to the North Adams Police Department on November 12th (21 Holden St, North Adams) and hear from Officer Sherman, First Assistant Marianne Shelvey, and Berkshire Coalition for Suicide Prevent Brian Berkel speak on safe gun laws, proper storage, and suicide prevention. There will be time for questions and answers after the presentation.
Following the speakers we will be raffling off three gun safes

Veteran's Flag Ceremony

On Saturday, September 26th, 2024, DA Shugrue attended the Veteran's Flag Ceremony at Park Square in Pittsfield, MA.

The District Attorney spoke on the message of unity and paid tribute to the US Military

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DA Shugrue attends Cultural Appreciation Day at the Courts

On 10/24/2024, DA Shugrue and office employees attended Cultural Appreciation Day events at both North Adams District Court and Pittsfield Central Berkshire District Court.

During the events, DA Shugrue spoke of the importance of diversity in our communities and expressed that Justice exists for ALL groups and nationalities.

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Berkshire Opioid Awareness Summit 2024

On Monday, October 21st, 2024, the Berkshire District Attorney's office the Berkshire County Sheriff's Office; and the Berkshire Overdose Addiction Prevention Collaborative hosted their first Berkshire Opioid Awareness Summit. at the Berkshire Innovation Center in Pittsfield

Breaking Barriers to Support Recovery, Re-Entry, and Reduce Recidivism

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DA Shugrue attends the NEORCA Organized Retail Crime Symposium

On Wednesday, September 25th, District Attorney Shugrue attended the NEORCA Organized Retail Crime Sympoisuim in Boston MA.

The New England Organized Retail Crime Alliance is a partnership between Law Enforcement and Retail partners across New England that shares intelligence, strategies, and collaboration on criminal organizations conducting large scale theft activities to fund criminal enterprises

BDAO vs. PPD 2024 Softball

On Thursday, August 22nd, 2024, The Berkshire District Attorney's office hosted it's second annual Softball game against the Pittsfield Police Department.

A perfect evening for a softball game and gathering at Cim's Tavern later in the evening.

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BDAO vs. NAPD 2024 Softball

The Berkshire District Attorney's Office played softball against the North Adams Police Department on August 15th, 2024.

A perfect evening for softball and gathering following the game.

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Berkshire District Attorney's Office attends National Night Out

District Attorney Timothy J. Shugrue and the staff of the Berkshire District Attorney's office attended several events throughout Berkshire County for the Annual National Night Out campaign

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District Attorney Tiomothy J. Shugrue at the Colonial Theater with United States Vice President and Presidential Candidate, Kamala Harris

On 7/27/2024, DA Shugrue attended a Fundraiser for Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris at the Colonial Theatre in Pittsfield. Other attendees included Senator, Elizabeth Warren, Senator, Edward Markey, Congressman, Richard Neal, Former Governor Deval Patrick, Senator, Paul Mark, and performances by James Taylor and Yo Yo Ma.

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District Attorney, Timothy J. Shugrue with United States Congressman, Richard Neal at the Capitol in Washington D.C.

Recently, D.A. Shugrue traveled to Washington DC and spent time with Congressman, Richard Neal discussing the needs of law enforcement and victims rights here in the Berkshires.

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BDAO Presents at International Education Conference on Internet Safety

Julia Sabourin, Chief of Operations, and Ronna Zigmand, Technology Director at Richmond Consolidated School, presented at the International Society for Technology in Education 2024 global conference. The pair spoke about the dangers of EdTech in regards to children's personally identifiable information as well as the federal laws that protect children while online in school.

Summer of Water Safety Education Press Conference

On Tuesday, June 18th, Berkshire District Attorney Shugrue, in collaboration with the Berkshire District Attorney’s Child Fatality Review Team, Mayor Peter M. Marchetti, and Pittsfield Fire Department conducted the "Summer of Water Safety Education" at Onota Lake in Pittsfield.

The press conference was held to highlight the importance of water safety during the summer months.

Following the review of a case of a child drowning, D.A. Shugrue has stated: "These deaths are 100% preventable. Education is essential to stopping these tragedies, and I am thrilled that our community is dedicating a summer to water safety.”

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District Attorney Shugrue Holds a Labor Trafficking: Investigation and Prosecution Workshop

On May 8th, the District Attorney’s Office partnered with the US Attorney’s Office, the Department of Justice, and the Attorney General’s Office to host a workshop on Labor Trafficking in Massachusetts. The event was attended by an array of stakeholders and covered key topics such as common trafficking industries, labor trafficking indicators, state and federal laws, and safety from deportation.

Berkshire District Attorney Hosts Jeanne Geiger Institute

The Berkshire District Attorney's Office hosted a High-Risk Team training led by the Jeanne Geiger Institute. The High-Risk Team is made up of law enforcement and social service professionals. Its duty is to protect survivors of domestic violence against abusers that are of the highest risk of lethality towards their victims.

Kristen Rapkowicz Honored for 20 Year's of Service

The Berkshire District Attorney's Office is honored to have Victim Witness Advocate Kristen Rapkowicz as a member of the team for 20 years! Kristen is a dedicated, thoughtful, and insightful advocate.

District Attorney Shugrue and all the BDAO staff are beyond thankful for Kristen's service.

Victim Witness Advocate Tara Jones-Nutting Shares Valuable 911 Information With Seniors

Victim Witness Advocate Tara Jones-Nutting visited the Egremont Council on Aging. She discussed resources provided by 911 services in the Commonwealth. Tara also reviewed built-in emergency contact tools available in smart phones. These small tricks and tips can help save lives.
Photo Credit: The Berkshire Edge, February 23, 2024

Berkshire DA Staff Member Named to BCC's 40 Under 40

The Berkshire District Attorney's Office congratulates Julia Sabourin on being named a Berkshire Community College 40 Under 40. Julia serves as the Director of Community Engagement and Communications. She helps bring proactive programs to Berkshire County. Please contact Julia to learn more about our community programs.

Boston Bruins Alumni vs. Law Enforcement Hockey on Saturday, January 13th 2024

On January 13th, 2024, members of the Berkshire District Attorney Office attended the Boston Bruins Alumni vs Law Enforcement hockey game in Sheffield, MA.

Proceeds from the event will be used to support mental illness in the Law Enforcement community and the Warriors For Life fund which focuses on veterans returning to the community following deployment.

The Berkshire District Attorney's office is dedicated to taking part in events that support the community and especially our law enforcement partners.

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Boston Bruins Alumni vs. Law Enforcement Hockey on Saturday, January 13th 2024

Join the Berkshire DA office and members of local law enforcement as they take on the Boston Bruins Alumni at Jackson L. Stewart Athletic Center in Sheffield, MA.

Tickets for this event can be purchased through or by scanning the QR code in the attached picture.

Berkshire District Attorney's Office donates 130 toys to the Toys for Tots campagin

On Saturday, December 9th, the Berkshire District Attorney's Office joined "Live 95.9 FM" at the Hot Dog Ranch for the Toys for Tots campaign.

The office delivered 130 toys which will be distributed for children in need this Christmas.

District Attorney Shugrue extends his sincerest thanks to Chris Keegan of the Berkshire County Sheriff's Office for coordinating this important holiday effort.

Berkshire District Attorney's Office Attends the Jewish Festival of Lights

District Attorney Shugrue was honored to attend and speak at the first menorah lighting in Lilac Park, Lenox. Chabad of the Berkshires organized this beautiful event.

District Attorney Shugrue shared his wish that these 8 days of lights shadow those who espouse hate in an attempt to intimidate our neighbors. Additionally he renewed his vow to advocate for and protect our most vulnerable populations.

District Attorney Shugrue will not tolerate hate in our community.

Pictures and video from the event can be found here

Happy Hanukkah

District Attorney Shugrue wishes our Berkshire County neighbors a happy Hanukkah. The District Attorney is excited to attend the menorah lighting in Lenox to celebrate this holiday of light and joy with the Jewish community.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving Vigil

District Attorney Shugrue's Office was honored to host the annual MADD vigil. This somber event allows us the opportunity to pay tribute to those taken from us too soon due to the reckless choices made by drunk drivers. District Attorney Shugrue thanks the families and friends of the victims for attending the event and the Youth Advisory Board and Massachusetts State Police for participating in the vigil.

Safe Communities Act

District Attorney Shugrue and the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition spoke with the Berkshire police chiefs about the importance of the Safer Communities Act. This act prohibits questioning by court and police officials about immigration status and enables immigrant workers, domestic violence survivors, tenants, and others to report exploitation, abuse and other crimes to public safety authorities without fear of immigration consequences. DA Shugrue is a supporter of this act. He believes it will help make the Berkshires a safer place for all who call it home.

My Safety Comes First: Mi Seguridad Es Primero

The Berkshire District Attorney's Office led an informational session at 18 Degrees for Spanish speakers. The Elizabeth Freemen Center, Kids' Place. the Pittsfield Police Department and Family Resource Center presented information about how to report crimes, harassment prevention orders, the court system and other safety topics.

Carmen Guevara Named Berkshire's Top 25 Influencer

Carmen Guevara was named as one of the Top 25 influencers in Berkshire County. Influencers are identified as being the most dedicated, most creative, and most influential members of our community. Carmen is a leader in Latinas413 and works in the District Attorney's Office as both a victim witness advocate and forensic interviewer.

Conclusion of State Police Officer Involved Fatal Shooting

On Friday, September 29th, District Attorney Shugrue held a press conference to announce the results of the investigation into the September 9th, State Police Officer involved shooting which resulted in the death of Phillip Henault

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D.A. Shugrue introduces Attorney General, Andrea Campbell and Smitty Pignatelli Event

On Thursday, August 31st, 2023, D.A. Shugrue attended the re-election campaign event for Smitty Pignatelli. The D.A. was honored to introduce Massachusetts Attorney General, Andrea Campbell at the event.

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Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office receives Safer Communities Grant Award

On August 10th, 2023 District Attorney Timothy J. Shugrue held a press conference announcing the spending plan for the Safer Communities Grant award. The Berkshire District Attorney office received $99,933.99 in grant award funds which will be split between Community Engagement efforts and Law enforcement suppression.

Recipients of the grant award funds include Reid Middle School, Roots Rising, and the North Berkshire School Housing Project. The Berkshire County Law Enforcement Task Force will also receive funds to increase patrols and purchase needed equipment.

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Jimmy's Ride - 2023

On August 5th, 2023, members of the Berkshire District Attorney's office attended the annual Jimmy's Ride event at the GEAA in Pittsfield. Our very own, Lisa Forlino participated in the motorcycle ride.

This annual event is held every year in memory of Jimmy Bernardo who died following an abduction in 1990

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Happy Anniversary to Paula Kostyn

The District Attorney's office with like to send a special Happy Anniversary to Paula Kostuyn, our Director of Administration, Support and Data for the Jury of Six.

Paula has been with the Berkshire District Attorney's office for 34 years.

DA Shugrue Returns DA Downing’s Portrait to North Adams District Court

On August 1st, 2023, D.A. Shugrue with First Assistant Marianne Shelvey and Second Assistant, Kelly Kemp, returned the portrait of former D.A. Gerald Downing to the North Adams District Courthouse to be displayed

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1st Assistant Marianne Shelvey interview on PCTV / WTBR-FM

On Monday, July 31st, 2023, our First Assistant DA, Marianne Shelvey was interviewed by Bill Sturgeon on PCTV / WTBR-FM.

Click to watch the entire interview

Watch the full interview here

District Attorney office attends Adams Community Day

District Attorney Shugrue and team members attend Adams Community day on July 30th, 2023 as part of their commitment to continuous community engagement

D.A. Shugrue attends the 2023 Pittsfield Chili and Chowder Festival

On July 14th, 2023, Berkshire District Shugrue attended the annual Chili and Chowder fest to support his on going commitment to community engagement and support of public events.

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D.A. Shugrue attends the Attorney General open house in Springfield

On July 12th, 2023, Berkshire District Attorney Shugrue attended the AG open house and visited with Attorney General, Andrea Joy Campbell

Berkshire District Attorney office attends the Pittsfield Juneteenth Celebration

On June 19th, 2023 members of the Berkshire County District Attorney's office participated in the Pittsfield Juneteenth Celebration at Durant Park in Pittsfield

D.A. Shugrue press conference on the discovery of Jeffrey Cote

On 6/15/2023 the Berkshire District Attorney's office held a press conference following the discovery of Jeffrey Cote in Savoy, MA.

View the full conference from WNYT Channel 13 news by clicking the link below

Click to view the full press conference

District Attorney Shugrue Meets with Congressman Neal

District Attorney Shugrue met with Representative Richard Neal while in D.C. for the National Children's Alliance Conference. He spoke with Neal about the needs in Berkshire County and how to identify funding for proactive and supportive programs for county residents.

DA Shugrue Hangs Pride Flag in Celebration of Pride Month!

On the morning of June 1st District Attorney Shugrue and office staff celebrated the start of Pride Month by hanging the Pride Flag in the District Attorney's Office lobby!

D.A. Shugrue interview on PCTV / WTBR-FM

On May 30th, 2023, D.A. Shugrue was interviewed by Bill Sturgeon on PCTV / WTBR-FM.

Click to watch the entire interview

Click here for the full interview

Berkshire District Attorney Staff supports the Westside Community Block Party

On May 27th, 2023, the staff of the Berkshire County District Attorney's office joined the Westside Community Block Party at Riverview Park for a day of fun, activities and a wiffle ball game

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Berkshire Assistant District Attorney, Aleah Fisher Receives Spotlight Award at 2023 MDAA Conference

District Attorney Shugrue is proud to announce that Assistant District Attorney Aleah Fisher received the Spotlight Award at the Massachusetts District Attorneys Association annual state-wide conference. The Spotlight Award is given to prosecutors who demonstrate outstanding service, spirit, and professionalism.

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Jane Kibby-Peirce Awarded 2023 MDAA Victim Advocate of the Year

District Attorney Shugrue is proud to announce that Jane Kibby-Peirce, Director of Victim Witness Advocates for the Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office, has been named the 2023 Gerard D. Downing Advocate of the Year by the Massachusetts District Attorneys Association (MDAA).

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Prosecutors from the Berkshire D.A. office attend the Annual Massachusetts District Attorney Association Conference

The Berkshire District Attorney’s Office enjoy the annual Massachusetts District Attorney Association conference. They were especially proud to cheer on Jane Kibby-Peirce, awarded Victim Witness Advocate of 2023.

DA Shugrue and Representative Neal: Springfield's St. Patrick's Day Parade

District Attorney Shugrue and Representative Richie Neal talked at an event following Springfield's St. Patrick's Day Parade. DA Shugrue is looking forward to a strong partnership with Representative Neal.

Berkshire United Way's 10x the Fun

District Attorney Shugrue along with 1st Assistant Marianne Shelvey, Assistant District Attorney Rachael Eramo, Victim Witness Advocate Carly Garofano and Community Engagement Director Julia Sabourin had a blast at the Berkshire United Way's 10x the Fun event in February. Joining in community events is one of our staffs' favorite things to do!

Berkshire County District Attorney Shugrue Attends NAMI Event

The District Attorney and 1st Assistant Marianne Shelvey attended an annual NAMI event in support of all the organization does for Berkshire County.
"NAMI Berkshire County is an organization of families, friends and individuals whose lives have been affected by mental illness. Together, we advocate for better lives for those individuals who have a mental illness."

Berkshire District Attorney Shugrue interviewed on PCTV

District Attorney Timothy Shugrue interviewed by Ed Burniske on 1/26/2023 for PCTV: "Know Your Berkshires".

During the interview, D.A. Shugrue outlined his vision for the District Attorney's office and his commitment to community safety

PCTV is Pittsfield's public television station. Know Your Berkshires is a reoccurring program.

Berkshire District Attorney Shugrue attends Inauguration Ceremony for Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell

District Attorney Timothy Shugrue attends the Inauguration Ceremony for Attorney General, Andrea Joy Campbell on January 18th, 2023 at the Boston Exhibition and Convention Center

DA's Team at the Westside Legends Event!

DA Shugrue's Team enjoys an afternoon of wiffleball, crafts, music and ice cream at the Westside Legends annual event.

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